First loss of the season
Again stopped at 6 games winning streak. Sorry JJ better luck next time
Koloko and Hayes 3 rebounds combined, Okay Hayes is actually injured,Alex is 7 rebounds and still learning the system.
It's his style.He did same for Williams,Luka, Jokic, Tatum... I guess maybe he is way of getting a lot of subscribers on his YouTube channel
Yes .But he's still much better than his stats in Sacramento
[MEDIA] I understand that was a long time ago,but Hayes,Trey or Koloko just isn't capable of this Hopefully JJ will find a way to play Alex
If they avoid healthy Dallas sky meaning championship is the limit. Oklahoma and Memphis don't scare me.I am not sure how Jokic will play with...
Ohh My god
Len is better player than Mark Williams. First he isn't injury prone unlike Mark who never played back to back,he can do same thing he can run the...
He's very good serviceable big.Funny that not a lot of people watch another teams,but when Lakers trying to get somebody to sign everyone knows...
What the f*** Chicago at half time were down 29-71:LLLLLebronlaughing: at home to Detroit
Didn't know that he was fifth pick.And in college he was defensive specialist.Yea NBA is different now thanks to GSW and their f***ing small ball
Laskavo prosimo Which is in Ukrainian language means Welcome . He's going surprise a lot of people who think he's worse than Sacre .If he wasn't...
Yes 2 wins and 1 loss this season.But if C Bags can't made 3's they have no plan b
Brown, Kelly Olynyk and some picks
We'll beat Cleveland in the finals.C Bags don't have a chance to beat basically prime GSW ball movement and 3 points shots ,but Cavs are playing...
Lakers are currently on 10-1 winning streak, 7-0 winning streak best of his career comes if they can win tomorrow at Utah.
Max again scored 15 points.He never scored less as a Maverick.f*** you, pimple
Better bring back Sacre .Dirk couldn't get up from bench in his last couple seasons
Here is spectrum both Lakers and Dodgers