Da hell
Yeah, that is not real and a dumb trade that actively makes us worse.
Tell you what... Luka not being an All Star and KAT being a starter is a travesty.
Will it be put anywhere else?
Pip Jr. was worse.
How did we stumble into him...
I think the biggest problem will be Porzingis drawing AD out.
i was bored
You know what I find kinda funny? Starting, I guess, 2 seasons ago, every DOOM was filled with fans of other teams saying stuff like "Of course...
LOL And if we add in Max... Imagine where we would be without literally two of the best contracts in the NBA?
You all are very nearsighted. Traore is our ticket to Wemby.
Seconded FMFT. Jack and Fisher's Girlfriend Ex-husband (or thereabouts) are the worst. Pierce and Garnett are next. Then there is PeeGee. Bleh.
We don't? Rambii would like a word.
Ad revenue. Will NEVER happen.
No flowers at all? Tough crowd.
needs to stop with the two handed dunk attempts. Why always two hands? Small hands so he cant palm? He really is Kobe.
I am guessing he is all by himself after tonight. AR needs help. AD and Bron won't cut it.