Yeah if we tried to get Hield on a minimum or even TPMLE it wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world. But if we had tried to dump players...
To clarify, he’s on a $36 million expiring contract. So while that’s what we’d have to match in a trade, it would likely be a situation where...
[MEDIA] Since we always seem so interested in reuniting with the baby Lakers, I wonder if we’ve spun the tires on Ingram. He makes around $36...
This article covers a lot of it, not sure if maybe there were some more recent shots fired too. Basically this wasn’t two players getting into a...
Sorry to harp on this, but am I correct in understanding that this is the ONLY thing we can point to that he got “right”? Because I hate to say...
I guess you could argue that we got slightly better since we don’t have Ham (addition by subtraction), hopefully Vanderbilt and Gabe will actually...
Other argument against Kuzma is that in any trade that’s sending out DLo, I’ve been envisioning bringing back Dinwiddie in a bigger role. I’m not...
Not sure how much room there was in the rotation for Prince with Rui + Vando and presumably wanting to get more minutes for Christie and Knecht....
Overall, solid hires. Like both of them better than Casey. I wasn’t biggest fan of their coaching, for example I’m not sure how great of an X’s...
Getting rejected by Dwayne Casey? We are COOKED I know in a vacuum missing out on Casey isn’t a big deal (in fact I might even prefer Gentry) but...
Don’t want Hield for us, but he feels like a good fit for GSW to replace Klay [MEDIA] I’m losing my ability to be patient or rational. If we go...
Completely agreed. One FRP (protections are debatable) are fair for Grant or Johnson, but too much for DFS or Bruce Brown. I also agree that we...
What exactly is Brooklyn asking for Cam Johnson? Are they asking for AR or something too? If all they care about is a single FRP and matching...
I think this most likely signals Knecht is here to stay (which is my preference). Usually if a newly drafted rookie is going to be traded,...
He’s not a free agent, and if he was he’d command much more than the MLE. Washington apparently still wants 2 FRPs for him
Stotts was my preferred choice for our lead assistant, we really can’t sign ANYONE can we?
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] This is still where I’m at. 1 year MLE deal for DeRozan financed fully by a Lebron paycut, I wouldn’t complain one bit (even...
Well false alarm on the James Worthy stuff [MEDIA]