Yeah I rather keep Reddish. He had some good moments this year and is a position of need. If we get a center, we already have Kieff doing Wood's...
Feel bad for him, didn't deserved it. Hope he gets back healthy and doesn't end up tied to the bad side of this trade.
I don't know that guy, but apparently we do have room according to him. If true, apologize for the misinformation, I'm trying to keep up with this...
It was talked a lot before the trades. Because when you waive, the full salary of the waived player still counts towards the cap. So you need to...
Yep. We have been playing really well without AD, it should be said. And without Luka. Sure, we may be exposed in postseason, but Luka and Bron...
We can't get anyone in the buyout market because we have no roster spot and can't waive and sign someone because we are too close to the 2nd...
He needs to see this as a new opportunity. He knows that if he can be passable on defense, he'll have minutes. He has 3 months to prove we...
Capela and Turner are FAs. I don't know our flexibility this summer and if Bron can do us a solid
Really really bummed. Our chances this year drop dramatically. But we probably dodge a bullet on the long term and that's hugely important with...
He's insane. He found an extra gear recently, notably around the time AD said he wanted to play the 4. It seems he and AD didn't see eye to eye on...
He stayed. He knows, like Gabe, that they're the 1st players we think of to try to improve the team in a trade. It's up to him and Gabe to prove...
He's he healthy to play?
That's crazy ahah
1 on 1 trades are hard. Then you add that us and multiple teams can't take more salary and becomes harder. Finally, we want to keep the roster...
Yeah was going to answer what you said in the end. Surely a case of analytics not being able to read his type of impact.
Torrey Craig and Chris Duarte are 2 guys I like in the buyout. We are 7mil short off the 1st apron. If we could get there, which is hard now,...
I get that they may love Knecht, kid is good. He's probably averaging 20ppg there in no time. But then it makes no sense to trade Richards a...
I think Rui is staying now. Mark, Luka and Bron are good rebounders. And in this switching strategy he fits well. Can guard the post too, which is...
Yeah I like him too and he could definitely serve a role in our roster. Not only the vet experience but also being a 4 that can play 5 is...
Nice sharing. In tanking teams it's hard to guess the extent of injuries. If you sneeze you're out with an illness. Thing is, if he's healthy,...