He most definitely was not the guy because he’s damaged goods. Yeah, maybe his “type” is the answer, if we can find one that is healthy this summer.
Well, this needs to change then because of exactly this situation
I blame our FO for not doing their real due diligence on his health just as much as I blame the Hornets for making a broken player available in a...
The League should force them to give us at least a pair of seconds for this mess.
We don’t know that. We could have put this broken dude out there for a few games and he go down for the rest of the season. I’m glad we avoided...
I’m glad we aren’t stuck with damaged goods and that we get Dalton back. It was Painful today watching Max play so well for Dallas.
Yes! We get Dalton and the picks back!
So many ex Lakers or guys who should have been Lakers on Dallas: AD, Max, Dinwiddie, Klay and coach Kidd. Just saw Exum in there too, a guy many...
This is going to be fun. I remember thinking as I was watching Luka rip the heart out of the Wolves,”Man, we really need to get this guy somehow.”...
I’ve been hard on Rob when he’s made dumb mistakes. I’ve also been quick to give him his flowers when he does great things. This whole “hate”...
Doing his best Magic impression I see.
And we need it recorded for video confirmation!
Good point. Also, if JJ has been able to counter not having a defensive anchor in there these last couple of games with his excellent game plans,...
After the sting of losing Dalton has worn off a bit, I understand we had to do something. I’m sure LeBron was in Rob’s ear about really going for...
Ooof- both bigs who were in street clothes a lot in their primes.
Me- I detest Dirty CP
They have been one of the best in the League at picking out young talent for sure!
I HATE this trade for now. Dalton is going to turn into a 18ppg scorer, and Williams is not known to be a defensive anchor at all. At least he’s...
I don’t get it. It just doesn’t make sense based on what Austin does on the court. You don’t throw away a talent like Austin for a nearly washed...
We need a big way more than another Guard. Gabe is better at this point than Dennis because he doesn’t try dumb things on offense.