I’m excited more that we made it and the Clippers didn’t. I always knew we’d be here, I just didn’t know how we would get here. It’s not a...
Yup, these people are uneducated and ignorant. I get called that all the time; when I tell these people that Uncle Tom is actually NOT a traitor...
Well good thing the internet has a great memory. https://web.archive.org/web/20190118185735/https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/what-we-believe/...
I’m trying to understand this. I’m not being facetious, I’m genuinely asking. Do masks prevent us from getting the disease? If it does than we...
So then is it saying that covid accelerated their existing conditions? If so, you still don’t know what they actually died from. I’m gonna speak...
I honestly believe that the fear the media portrayed played a lot into people’s psyche. I’m not saying people who have gotten it are faking or...
"Never let a good crisis go to waste" -Saul Alinsky I’ve had people tell me that people and news outlets on the right are interpreting these...
Well I can only speak for where I live. Malls, restaurants, nail salons, barbershops, banks, etc. are all opening back up in Southern California....
What I’m hearing sounds very anecdotal because I can say there are a lot of people that don’t feel the way you’re describing and would be okay...
Yup. Or you can just, you know, vote in person.
:Laugh: I just saw this video. Hilarious.
See how these people take everything out of context. I had one of my liberals friends text me with the headline “Trump Publicly Commits A Felony”...
Yeah right Cuomo.
For decades black people have tried to fight for a political party, hoping that this would be the thing to 1) give us an identity and 2) have us...
I agree 100% and the police need major reform as well (we can discuss that in length if you want), but I‘m really trying to highlight as black...
I understand this, what I’m saying is if you do get stopped by the cops, chill, be easy, do what they’re asking, have ID on you, comply. It’s not...
[MEDIA] There’s a lot to unpack here. I would like to have a discussion about this. As a successful black man in America (not only in...
Another fair point. I think it’s like this. Trump did have a relationship with Epstein. Nobody knows how deep it was, we only have hearsay...
This is a fair point.
Exactly. It seems like the organization is anti-man from my perspective.