He provides a very useful skillset other than points and playmaking tho...minutes. In that regard Fudd is a dud. Haha More minutes for Melo on...
Our coach values defense. Caruso, Av and ‘Do all ain’t the shooters Trey and Cook are...but they ain’t seeing time if they keep putting our...
Another firesale potentially looming... [MEDIA] Guys not happy there could be more receptive in entertaining buyouts. Tristan is Bron’s boy, a...
Per Pincus: Naturally, he needs to prove he can shoot this consistently for more than a dozen games, but if he can, that's a game-changer for the...
Who cares??? Maybe Bron (with all that carrying on his back) and AD (with him shoulder’n the load) do. Dudz ain’t doing diddly for us. Y’all act...
Folks are down on Rondo, but I believe in that dude. I think we have to, cause Bron is that important. But you bring up a great point. We gotta...
[MEDIA] The trick to driving a klutch... you need to kickstart it. [MEDIA]
And guess who’s leading the clubhouse in 3pt shooting over the last 11?...
Aye chiwowhau...it's cause the dog would be barking in a new yard. Did Rondo, Lance, Noah and Kanter not have beef with Bron? Yet we worked them...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Firesale looming? Payton, Ellington, Taj and Morris would be interesting gets for us, particularly if they consent on...
Go half speed during the regular season and turn them jets on in the real season. Granted, I’m not watching them play and that’s my guess as to...
Well that settles it...dude’s a goat! [MEDIA] [IMG]
I just feel Daniels skill set is redundant on this team. But I would keep him over Dudz...I just don’t understand his roster spot and like I said...
Just handled the 2nd and 10th best rated defensive squads on a b2b......
Unless you have some folks on ignore here (like some people do), look above that post. #lookie-lou In related news, might be that time for an...
Well lookie-lue, I wonder who brought up dude first, cuz... [IMG] But since it was brought up, it’s fair to point out we coulda had both,...
Hahaha. :Dudleyattitude: I personally think it was ego trippin in that he didn’t want Bron’s help to get the gig. But I do think you’re on to...
And what happened to the Warriors after multiple trips to the Finals? KD (8th most) and Klay (13th most) played big minutes last year, what...
Anthony needed a team that would take a chance on him, while the Blazers were in desperate need of a power forward and alternative scoring options...
That’s where I see the value of Rondo. Start off strong in regular season games with Bron running point and McGee coming off the bench for Dwight....