I mean part of that is on the player too. It's pretty reasonable that any NBA.center should be able to catch a lob from Luka Doncic
Shakes contract is expiring next year so he's actually a nice trade filler to have. Really should cut Len to add jemison once Cam goes to make...
Yeah that sounded like a shot against AD when I think AD had every right to voice concerns about not being put in the same position that...
Yeah I see the same Not sure if it's deliberately being done ala ghost screens Anyway back to Vando two thoughts he's ceiling is a lot higher if...
Feel bad for AD who was a great player and Laker. All his advanced stats indicated he was a top 10 player in the league at a minimum when healthy...
JJ actually put Lebron on Zion when he was super hot but the Lakers were up 20 in the 4th I was pissed as I wanted JJ to sit Lebron not try...
It's going to be nearly impossible to beat the Lakers if both Luka and Lebron are hitting 3s (nevermind AR). Since for them that means tough...
I thought even his defense was pretty good
He's starting to look like he's getting his legs under him. With the jumper looking good he looks like Pippensque out there again. That Boston...
He seems to miss more wide open 3s then any other player Ive seen this year. I mean the shots he's getting are basically practice shots and he's...
This dude sets some brick wall screens. But it just not the usual PnR stuff, he put his body between defenders and driving lanes so once a dude...
He's younger, more athletic, and a signficantly better defender than Reaves. He's certainly not the playmaker AR is but otherwise, he's a good...
Feels a little like the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth kind of curse
I would quietly ask for a trade if I was AD - no reason at this age he should be in a situation like this
ACL: not sure Irving at his size, age and the way he plays is ever going to get back to his Sad truly unique player and I don't think I've ever...
This is like the Spurs trading Ginobili. Realistically in that era only Wade and Kobe were upgrades. I mean do the Lakers get better with Bane:...
Glass half full: it's encouraging that they get high double digit leads on all these teams. Glass half empty: Discouraging that these leads all...
The way the season has gone for him is his next good game will be in like 3 weeks