I will not be criticizing Rob anymore. He earned it on this one and I said some bad things about him, I apologize. Probably unforgivable. I was...
Lakers win the title, I'll eat the black olives. That's the new deal.
Lakers FINALLY have a star player who is CLUTCH. Man, that part has been really hard to replace. God knows how many of those close games the...
11 Larry O’Brien’s and the Walter A. Brown Trophy to honor the ‘49, ‘50, ‘52, ‘53, ‘54 and ‘72 titles. The NBA used to have a trophy like the...
because he sucks a**.
hahahahahahahhahahahahhaha. I would yack non stop!!! Hahahahhahaha
Ya right.
I can't believe it. I can't believe this happened.
Leadership is gutter trash. From everywhere.
and that lying sack of snake oil s*** is another one. That f***er should be selling insurance for State Farm. That’s where he belongs.
This team is full of daisies and tulips. No talent infusion will help them. They are trash at the core. Sorry lady and gentleman. This entire...
Is he really in the league? He's played exactly the same games we have played.
they got worse after the trade. How bout that.
ya, I’m sure his 5 points a game is gonna do wonders.
Cavs have a legit 7 man stacked rotation. Talent difference is pretty wide.
D-Lo down, Gabe to go. Maxwell Lewis was a bonus too. Any deal that sends JHS and Gabe somewhere would be the final trade to get the dirty stench...
The j****** tried to take out a PPP loan, she doesn't have what you think she has.
That's not real money. That's paper money. She would have to borrow against the value of the Lakers to get real money. With a lot of interest...
Junior sucks a**. He will never be a real NBA player. All this media trash towards him is adding more reason why no one is watching the NBA lately.
Quit and leave LA.