Like that Moz' awful contract is off the books. Got 27th pick and Brook's expiring back. Too bad it cost us D'Lo :(
Is Clarkson a keeper then? I mean... who do we dangle for Paul George now. We gonna rely on Nick Young for the SG spot???
Not the WojBomb I was expecting. Really wanted to see a Russell-Ball backcourt. Silver lining is we don't have Mozgov's awful contract anymore.
Is my body ready for this? It's not even draft day yet.
Played with Ilgauskas, Delonte West, Boobie Gibson and coached by NBA Champion Mike Brown. C'mon, Bron! Who you kiddin'?
Mike Brown did a good job holding down the fort in Kerr's absence. Yeah... the talent is super overloaded but look at that record when he was at...
I'm late to the party here... been away for too long really... but... of course the C's get the 1st round pick... :sick: Are we a lock to get...
Came here (after a long time on the road) for sirron memes after the news broke. Was not disappointed. I'm sad to see Mitch go though... Mitch...
Lou was clearly the best player this season. I agree with the sentiments above. This will give the tank more guidance.
A few observations after being away for almost two weeks and catching up on NBA action courtesy of league pass... Do the Rockets not have a...
Seems like injuries are creeping up but this being an optimistic thread... I'd rather we deal with these now and get everyone to full strength for...
Do we dare put Deng on the "GARBAGE" signature or is it too early? ;)
If you don't want to go far from the metro area, I would suggest Tagaytay in the province of Cavite, south of Manila. it's about a 2 hour drive...
They'll eventually put it together mid-season but as it stands right now, their offense seems to be "Get the ball to KD and get the eff outta the way"
Let's not forget Uncle P's contributions. That swat on Klay! And dat offensive rebound!
Anthony Davis playing with scrubs.
I think he had one against Curry too.
Love that response regarding respecting opponents and keeping the team down to earth. No cliche about showing grit, foxholes, bunkers or what...