Hell yeah! Javale at $4M per is not bad!
F'n Skip Bayless was right about #2... Undisputed on Monday is gonna be insane!
I'd take a shot at him at $5M / year max. That's it.
Oh it's not over yet... I'm expecting a Rondo signing that's more than the vet min any minute now... :KobewaitingTW:
I think we all are. I'm just glad he's with Klutch so we have that inside edge to resign him.
So I guess Rondo, Javale and Lance somehow get the rest of the $9M?
He can shoot. I'll take it. Like @Banners said... better be trade bait for Bradley Beal midseason.
It'd be great if Rob can pull it off but we only have $17M left after Danny signs. Russ is making $38M for 2019-20! Yikes!
WCS on a minimum to Golden State was such a steal. I wanted him even as a backup. And D-Wade had a point. Why TF does Jeff Green keep taking...
I'm just glad we still got quality guys who want to be with the P&G (Bron and AD).
Just to vent some more... F*** THESE 2 GUYS. "We WaNt a TrAdE tO tHe LaKeRZZZZ!!" but don't come here when they can just sign? I hope we destroy...
I have the utmost respect for AD now. When he said he wanted to get traded here, him and Rich Paul actually followed thru with it. PG and Kawhi...
A bit much on the $$$ but we can't be picky. I'll take him as a nice consolation prize. Welcome Danny G!
Literally just came home from my night shift 1.5 hours ago and was actually sleeping. Had to log in somewhere just to let up some adrenaline so I...
Well... there was this one instance in Ontario/Quebec... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Central_Canada_earthquake
And I thought tracking Bron's plane and moving trucks was insane. This is next level! A little creepy and stalkerish but eh... who am I to...
[MEDIA] :D:D:D I just want to build the squad already. My excitement is going into, "You know what? Eff it. We got Bron. We got AD and we...
"KD to the Knicks!" - also Jalen Rose. I'm not saying he's right or wrong. It's just really... no one knows anything other than Kawhi and his...
Norvell looks good! I hope we got another Kuzma-esque bargain.
My "Raptor fan" colleague here at work is never gonna let me hear the end of this if he stays in Toronto. It's just the noise from so called...