Kyrie 4 MVP. I can stand Cavs winning it tonight... but Kyrie deserves it.
LOL... Curry.
Wow! What a finish! And so many bricked shots. Tired legs from both sides.
Not the best move either by Kerr here. Why not Barbosa... or Speights... or Livingston for another ball handler????
Lue takes out Irving AND Love. Still has Thompson on Steph... ummm... ok...
Harrison Barnes also needs to sit down
Eff off refs.
That was a wild 3rd quarter.
Hey look... DWade is in the crowd ready to accompany El-BJ back to South Beach...
What a back-n-forth game despite the ref inconsistencies.
Ref calls are uneven... smh
It's about freakin' time Varejao is gone.
If the Warriors lose this Game 7.. remember this stretch here. They were up 5 but Steve Kerr elected to stick with Varejao over someone like...
Finals MVP goes to Kiki Vanderweighe for that clutch suspension in Game 5. Look... refs and suspension aside, the Warriors absolutely did not...
With the exception of Game 4, the Finals have been a story of one extreme to the next and supposedly "stars" and "leaders" disappearing. It's...
It was an absolute choke job by Curry and the rest of his teammates not named Klay. For all the talk about "winning it for Draymond" tonight at...
Congrats NBA. You're about to get your game 6.
Definitely tuning in tomorrow to First Take. I want to see Stephen A. lose his damn mind on air.
It was a non-issue until certified Lebron nuthugger Brian Windhorst of BSPN started writing a bunch of articles about it. Good job NBA. You...
Lebron losing his cool and picking a fight with Steph was the highlight of the night for me. Showed the frustration of a man who's about to quit...