hope it’s not Drummond, cause I can’t see the rockets doing anything without a center after trading Capela and Nene.
Man would I love some Dinwiddie on the team. Local LA guy who grew up loving Kobe too.
especially if we use him off the bench. he’d be the main option.
If we don't make a move this deadline, I have a feeling Collison will sign for us. We desperately need a scorer off the bench more than anything.
Either he would score 200 points or the entire Rockets team would forfeit in fouling out of players.
The salaries don't even match up. Rumor is a dud.
I think it's a few things. 1. He's playing 4 now. Most 4's are shooters nowadays, so he's primarily around the perimeter. We have Javale or...
Well, bigs aren't supposed to move the way he does. One of his interviews he talked about having a massive growth spurt in high school, when he...
I'm just about on the verge of wanting to trade Kuz. His aggressiveness is so inconsistent, what's the deal here? One game he looks unstoppable,...
As someone who has been severely critical of KCP, I've been completely surprised. He's settled into his role well and knows where he's supposed to...
Eh, we far enough ahead to allow him to properly "load mana..." I mean rest for a few games.
What a strange move for the Hawks. Why would they want Teague next to Trey Young?
There have been a few instances where we're down 2 or 3 with like 15 seconds left, and he waits until the last 5-6 seconds to make a move to...
Ahh just wait until Collison comes, he'll eat up all the minutes at PG and we'll just need to bring in Bradley for defensive purposes.
he's just a sound defender, something we really lack on this team. doesn't gamble, uses his body and moves his feet, doesn't reach and foul....
It's Cleveland, shouldn't need to.
I was never a fan of Obama’s either, but what President didn’t have a golf trip? My issue is that it’s was with Trump’s own resort, which he says...
We’re getting our a** kicked in the forms of medical debt, student loan debt, veterans not being cared once they’ve served. We’re not the world...
Manipulation to the ill informed? Bit of stretch, but I’m no Trump....
but also, why are large multi billion dollar corporations still off the hook for their taxes? there are so many loopholes and government...