I guess I am just not as high on Bogdanovic as most and I think an FRP (+assets) is maybe a bit high, I realize you won't get him without one but...
I read a report we offered Russ + the FRPs only, I saw another that said BRK wanted us to include Reaves + Max just to be considered and I read...
Well now, thanks to BRK, I think teams are going to try and pick some of our youth (Max, Austin), especially AInge. With BRK they didn't want to...
Maybe, Kyrie is damaged goods after all, but that may just bring his value down to a player maybe just below his level like FVV or Rozier. Media...
I saw reports of both so it may have been an issue of contention in the negotiations. Fact is, we were never getting Kyrie unless there were no...
Rob was only going to give up one of the youths in that deal (likely Christy as Reaves is well-established in this unit).
If we make a few small yet significant trades without the '27 or '29 FRP then it's not bad at all, we still will have around 25 million + MLE...
So Rob will go through the trouble, time and the actions of setting rumors out there that Brooklyn wanted to fleece us because he'd rather sit on...
In my mind Rob is forgiven here completely. BRK wanted to fleece us because they did not want to acquiesce to Kyrie's desires. Best to look elsewhere.
Reaves and Christy are a big part of the future of this team, we're lucky to have them. With Kyrie's many issues, coupled with the fact that he is...
Gordon doesn't fill anything except his pockets with wasted money as he sits on the bench and spectates which is what he will be doing with 3...
Dallas got 2 mega-star pgs with huge egos to boot hahaha, oh I can just see the clashing now. And Kyrie is now in a perfect geographical place to...
A look at this season's stat comparisons between Kyrie, FVV & Rozier: [ATTACH] Kyrie is clearly the better shooter, Van Fleet more assists and...
The question is now, will Dallas or Phoenix offer trades and agree to a 4-year deal? It seems we won't match that and I can understand.
Yeah this thing Mr Rambis brought up about the Nets being pissed off and Kyrie's peeps should contact teams and scare them, hell, that stuff has...
I think KD's mindset in this right now is first and foremost in the Net's mind and above and beyond everything else being discussed. First of all...
Ham is a quick learner, we saw that, 2-10 record followed by a 8-2 record, .500 ball since with a lot of injuries. You see he got Westbrook to...
Like we make them a contender with Westbrook?
A lot of media are saying team execs are more interested in what this means to KD's future. That wuss will bail the ship for sure if Kyrie is...
16 mil is, still a bad deal for a 40-year-old injury prone player.