Exactly. Jeanie & company are running laps around the league with their brain trust. F****** please.
He is a second banana, LJ. I think that's pretty apparent. That isn't a bad thing....just who he is.
Cost is a lead to end the half, hit a clutch 3, followed by a brick off the glass... Typical Russ game. I say we extend him!!!
Those Twitter guise don't know nuffin, guise. Nuffin!
It's okay, guise. 2-10. Only 8 mor games to go and we make a trade and go make a run to the chip, guise. Keep the faith, guise. Top 3...
Naw, I'll just squat here. Nobody shouted you out of the WMC thread. Are you that sensitive?
I'd rather just urinate on your posts.
I'm not optimism. My optimism comes from s****** on others optimism. But I'll refrain. Could be worse: I could be one of those that want to...
Let's up this thread. Losing tonight. Weeeeeeeee
You'll see Rob and his true skills be revealed after 20 games.
How optimistic of you.
I would have accepted this upped after we player 20 games or we had 20 posts.
Why the f*** would anybody up this to thread? Why? Oh we're Lakers fans, we're so lucky, blah ah blah. Who gives a s***? Stop upping the...
Don't believe anybody. Anything is possible. Especially after 20 games. Hahahahahahahahahahah
We did this s*** in May. And we're still doing it? Just shoot me.
[MEDIA] That's the guy I want. I'd even trade AD for him if this s*** is over with Klutch and he's gone. Yeah, that's right. He's got...
Klutch is full of sh**. The FO is full of sh** Go get me new owners
They'll list him as day to day. It will probably be a problem all years along with his foot.
He doesn't want to play the 5. Admittedly, I thought Jones would be better than he has been. Bryant injured. Wenyen can't do it full...