I've always said Monk is a consistent offensive threat. Ya sometimes he misses em all but "Microwave" players are like that. Even if he misses,...
Nwaba is what? 6-4? No thanks. Have like 10 of em.
^you don't "build" around THT. He is a solid role player with a high ceiling but he is nowhere close to be a building block.
The Lakers, above all, simply aren't fun to watch either. So its not like they are dying pretty...they are getting busted UGLY.
To me his stroke still doesn't look good enough. The movement is inconsistent and kind of cluncky. It also looks different from time to time,...
My main gripe right now is that we rebound like a girls team. We are getting WORKED on the glass every f'n night. Its quite embarassing...
the Kings had 18 more shot attempts than the Lakers. :ADeyeshift:
This team has no other ace up their sleeves than firing Vogel.
We rebound like a wnba team. Too many fruit cakes on this team.
AD is the 4th leading scorer on the Lakers in the 4th quarter. He shoots 44% in the 4th quarter from the floor. In all honesty, thats not good...
Honestly though, its justified. We are at the bottom or average at best at pretty much everything except pace. Who would have thought we would...
I've heared Nunn and Monk are working on growing 5 inches till the playoffs.
Washington is successful but his "scoring mojo" isn't back to what it was. Still inconsistent on low percentages. But he is rebounding very well...
Bradley used to be a good scorer. Like 15ppg. Wtf happened? We play 4 on 5 on offense with him on the floor except for like a handful of games...
Mental midget, like most NBA players. I still remember the Lakers white board at practice 2012, when they were terrible from the FT line. You...
Unfortunately no. Because we KNOW he will have great games here and there. Doesn't mean he is a good fit here. If he wants to be good, he needs...
First time this season Melo was "cooking" on the road.
Dwight is now at 72% on threes for the season. He has taken 7 threes and made 5 this season. Thats actually quite impressive lol. For a stiff guy...
The Lakers lack foot speed. Plain and simple. I love how they talk about defense, what they need to do, communicate, help, rotate etc... But...
Its time for Pelinka to be on the hot seat but trust me, the Lakers will never fire Kobe's agent. He is here to stay and his stupid roster...