We have seen an "AD" centric team before with NO. He was way more dominant back then and the result was --> lottery. An AD centric team isn't...
Honestly you could find a million WMC reasons... Matter of fact, we aren't a very good basketball team. With or without injuries, with or without...
I have no wmc anymore. This team just sucks azz. I've accepted the truth.
after almost 30 games, this is the longest winning streak of the season at 3 games...kind of embarassing for a team with Championship aspirations...
Simmons is an equally bad fit. But cheaper and younger. I doubt Philly wants any part of Russ. Simmons wouldn't solve our problems but he is...
Currently Drummond barely plays...he plays like 10 mpg...so it seems like he didn't impress Doc but what is he supposed to say publicly?
lol...we have AD, James and Westbrook and are 23rd in off RTG. Incomprehensible.
I'll say that I still hate the way Westbrook plays. When he jumps up and forces up an asinine pass, or when he breaks the back board from 15 feet...
^yes. I think one of the reasons AB looks good on D here is because a lot of other guys look awful. In the country of the blind the one-eyed man...
Unlike AD, LeBron has the leadership in him to show up when AD is missing.
The Lakers are converting on 35,9% of their threes which is "in the middle" of the pack. Amazingly the best shooting teams (Warriors, Nets, Jazz...
^what you say could well be true. I don't know and I didn't follow AB before he became a Laker. When he came here, he was considered to be DONE....
The guy averaged around 15 ppg for like 5-6 NBA seasons...I have no idea why his offense regressed so much. He used to be a lock down defender...
Is this the longest winning streak of the season? lol Lakers seem to be red hot right now for their standard ;)
They are good. We are not. Thats the main difference. Except for that... they are cohesive, they play hard, they shoot well, they rebound, they...
I'm not blaming Vogel for putting this sh*t show together. But I think there are coaches that can do better with this roster than he is doing....
Davis is more and more becoming Pau 2.0. Not from his playing style...but a massively talented bigman who tends to not be mean enough. He is...
Please get healthy Trevor...We desperately need a 36 year old role player to take this borderline lottery team and make it a championship...
shame sh***, different day. I'm tired of the Lakers every time saying: "every team is giving us their best shot", "every team wants to beat the...
The guy is averaging like 12/5/5... Its not like he is an all-star. I don't think ANY fan here would have been happy with a #2 Pick that averages...