FWIW, I muted him a long time ago but every once in awhile, when there is too much chatter that I am not understanding, I turn the mutes off to...
He is doing a reasonably good job but like all jobs in sports, you are only as good as your last loss. You can go from a hero to a scrub in the...
What is wrong with you?
I owe his success to JJ. JJ does not easily give up on young guys and gives them the chance to learn. I cannot think of another Lakers coach,...
one of my least liked Lakers of all time. DLO was way better and more important than Young has ever dreamed of.
I think Herro got screwed in that deal. Thompson dragged him into it and then threw him. I don't know what he said, but have a hard time...
Azz Hat since day one, more so now. Complete idiot.
I would like this trade.
I got a feeling our future is not so bright.
it's like cutting your face up to be ugly, then blaming it on other people.
Ain't no olives when we suckkkkkkk Ain't no brininess with that displayyyy [IMG] Maybe someone will get this.
This whole thing is making me think that there is a lot of inside turmoil going on with our guys. ??? Trades have been on the line for too long,...
I am having doubts about Vando ever getting healthy. Sad, but we need to find a defensive stopper and trade a few of our guys for him. But if...
I thought he meant hooter
He would be sitting on the bench, asking Prince what he could do for him.
maybe it's the weird press he's been getting???
The best kind of Big 3 because we didn't need to give up the rest of our roster only to have another brick being laid, if you catch my drift.
I like the older, more physical style more.