Lonzo was a good shooter in college... THT was not. It's like you guys ignore all the important variables.
I don't think a high usg% center who blocks the paint and doesn't have good hands to catch the ball for lobs or dunks is what the Lakers need....
I don't think you understand the point. Dwight should've been re-signed without needing 'approval.' It should've been, 'we want you back.' The...
Lillard is likely staying in Portland and not demanding a trade considering reports that he wants Kidd as the HC for Portland.
Keeping Dwight should've been a no-brainer from the start. He took a vet minimum with the Sixers because he wasn't 100% positive the Lakers were...
Power forward and center position isn't really that different these days with small ball. Tristan/AD could switch roles back-and-forth. Tristan...
AC is a free agent. Pritchard can shoot the ball and is in a very affordable contract. Worth developing him. Tristan Thompson plays really well...
Still not too late to call Dwight and apologize...
I think he is around the $8 million range. Where is the 3/50 coming from? Seth Curry got an $8 million per year deal and while they are completely...
Would be great if the Lakers got their hands on Vucevic.. Sign-and-trade Dennis for Vucevic?
I am assuming Rose for backup off the bench? We've seen the LeBron+Rose pairing in Cleveland and it wasn't good. If Rose would be willing to take...
If the team needed that to be inspired, then they never deserved to win the title... If Lakers beat the Suns without AD so AD could get some rest...
Fans will be impatient and want the answers now but Rob can't really do anything until the offseason begins. I'm sure he will come up with a group...
Laker for life LOL.........
Can someone ask Rob why do shooters automatically have a 5% decrease in three point shooting once they sign with the Lakers?
Seems like Duds still wants to play but I don't see him signing with any other team besides the Lakers. Him and Bron are apparently really tight...
AC is more of a secondary/backup playmaker to a primary playmaker. Lakers tried using him as a primary playmaker but he works best when he is...
He's signed with the Lakers for another year. They were thinking about contract extensions this year. Personally, I would like to see how the...
I never said THT will never shoot well. I said the odds are unlikely THT will become a good shooter because in high school, college, and in the...
He shouldn't have been playing and the team doctors who cleared him were pretty much ignoring his actual well-being. I'm glad they got him out in...