@ Clippers-Nuggets [IMG]
[IMG] :This:
Deng. 'Nuff said.
Random answers: I do think Lebron is close with both of them; and Lebron knows basketball. :Fishwink:
If SuperMax + chump change amounted to that, then yep, probably. [IMG]
18 months later... Goshdangit @OX1947 :Vogelshocked:
:Carusohearthands: And that Kobe story... Dang stupid onions...
Here I go again... :Lebronwhat: :Kobedisbelief:
How about them podcasts, though? I know there's a lot of work involved in doing that but I would absolutely be ecstatic if LakersBall.com ever...
Hopefully he gets it by now--the time you save NOT dealing with your f'n brand that very few people care about, and the time (I believe, wasted)...
Here's hoping it's THT.
Why Original Recipe and NOT Hot 'N Spicy? :LLLLLebronlaughing:
Love those pump fakes behind the 3-point line because I hated defending guards doing it. I always had to at least put an arm up and show that I...
The next best thing besides Harden going to BKN is him remaining with HOU disgruntled. LMFAO this is great.