[MEDIA] ^^^ there’s the Big 3.5-(4) I alluded to a couple days ago with Rui starting to put it together both sides of the ball with some better...
:Kobe Snickering:
I still miss Pat Bev. He took every second seriously. That’s like saying you missed shingles. :LLLLLebronlaughing:
Here here!!
Just had an off night shooting.
Anyone else noticing no more shots of sweaty Ballz all excited and worked up on the sideline.
He should spend serious time each day with a shooting coach working on FTs. Come on Trey … 37% seriously?? Props to JJ for getting him out of...
Relax it was one game …. jeezus he’s been averaging 29 for a month and a half since turning 40 on 55 shooting and 43 from deep. No “period” the...
That steal he got in the first quarter by jumping in front of the ball handler(??) was amazingly quick laterally (if he did jump in front) and...
:LLLLLebronlaughing: :Adburn:
?? Everyone’s talking about our defense …. and yeah Go Lakers take over the #2 spot in the West tonight.
….. as opposed to maybe looking at Tiktok on his phone? :D :Kobe Shrug: whatever you were doing JJ …. it’s all good you’ve been great!
That’s great news too. We’ve gotten so much deeper as the season approached the trade deadline.
Seriously …. in the balls out go big or go home prediction style popularized here by @Toklat :clap: :rock: …. playing Jerry West here myself,...
He's not real smooth and doesn't flow as an athlete like Max Christie out there but he's quick for his size for sure and "can" get out on the...
Greta Babe!! :clap: :rofl: It's a long running joke with him. ;)
^^^ it's a good thing JJ asked Luka if he wanted to be coached and spoken to honestly because I imagine at some point JJ will get on his a** about...
My bad I quoted @The Showtime Mamba above and replied in Kobe's thread by mistake. Just saw and deleted it. Copy/paste here. "I don't deep...