Almost manna from heaven level. :Magic Brows:
Must be shooting over 40% on the corner 3s over the last 10-12 games? He does seem chippier out on the court this year … probably feeling pretty...
Yeah but there’s NO in the hunt or chance for a ring for the Mavs this year and what’s the point of not making sure to not injure himself worse...
Heck yeah he is and he looks a little more coordinated every game the more minutes he gets to go with all that Vando like energy. Anyone notice...
Too soon for “Jugglerknot”? :No2:
I know …. he never added other skills to his game for when his athleticism started to go and has been screwed for years because of that. :swear:
…. am picturing that great image of Ham and Prince on the bow of the Titanic. :Kobe Snickering:
…. added to his reasons ^^^ to be miserable. ;) :rofl:
Just asking to understand you guys' thinking on this. Austin's a bit taller, similar weight, and if DLO hadn't been here and AR had the role he...
…. and :Schrooder Clown: Harrison “gifted” him Luka. Who “couldn’t” win with Luka and LeBron (ignoring his age Of Course) in their starting lineup?
…. and they probably can be forgiven if they start wondering if Kyrie being stuck with a 50% (way higher?) higher offense creating load due to...
All of our returning players that are getting playing time are improving. The coaching staff is walking JJ’s talk about the focus on developing...
:Shaqlaughing 2:
I’m talking about HERE. :LLLLLebronlaughing:
Yeah seriously … what have you done for us the last “quarter” type picky. He’s the effing player of the month for Feb and averaging virtually 29...
He’s coaching a (Pro?) level 3 on 3 women’s team
@Pioneer10 I see absolutely nothing wrong with Big 3.5 in terms of impact especially now that he’s picked up his defense and is rebounding better....
:LLLLLebronlaughing: :Adburn: