Im Slavic... and i have no idea what u mean by that :D
^ i agree... but on the other hand, thay could get ANY player in the league for Luka (maybe except Wemby and Jokic). We got a golden ticket, no...
Luka loved Dallas and i bet he thought he was a Mav for life, then he got traded out of nowhere... and called fat. Let's hope, he likes LA as much...
Kyrie wants out of Dallas, take that Klay, you d*** :D ... feel bad for AD though :(
With AD gone, we need a lob threat that plays D. Don't know who that is but it sure as hell ain't Vuc (and i really wanted him here 15hrs ago).
Players like Luka come up every few generations. Chance to get one is even rarer. You HAVE to do that if the opportunity presents itself. Don't...
Yup. For me it was always Luka and recently Wemby. All the rest (Ant, SGA, Giannis) were backup plans...
... and join him after next year in Denver? :(
A week (Feb8 was his goal return date) :)
He better resign here, just saying...
Crazy stuff, crazy. Most NBA teams could beat our offer, Luka in Denver or SA would piss me off... just as much as it pisses all the basketball...
With what just happened, i want Jokic or Giannis LOL. Turner at worst :D (the latter without giving up AR).
Funny stuff all around the internet [IMG]
This means, AR for a center, right? Can one be sad and happy at the same time?
Good thing im past my nap, my HR is freakin high right now. This is beyond wild. If Mavs went public and shopped around, they would get like 5 1st...
Remember the "Pau for Kwame" doom? This will be awesome, BEYOND AWESOME :D
Little did i know :D Now we can dangle AR for Ant in the future ;)
I still can't wrap my head around this. We were a good center away from a contention. We were also not that far away from looking at some scrubs...
Holy f***, in my wildest dreams i couldn't see that one coming. We are set for the next 6-8 years, another allstar will want to join Luka here FOR...