Another solid game. About time Luke did the obvious.
A blowout victory for our first win? I’ll take it. And we kept a team under 115 points.
So he’s on a two-way contract which I believe limits how games he can participate in if I’m not mistaken. Is there any way to convert to a full...
Impressive performance. Aldridge is a handful for anybody in the league but Williams held his own to some extent. But he provided the hustle that...
Right now Hart looks like our MIP. I don’t think saw KCP that entire fourth quarter tonight and rightfully so. Hart has thoroughly outplayed him...
First chance we get we need to trade him for a big or something. Pretty sure someone could use a use-to-be 3 and D guy.
Well we knew there would be growing pains but man this one is painful. You could point to a few things that contributed down the stretch; giving...
Enemy of my enemy. When a C bag homer is praising a Laker for shoving you, that’s when you know you’re hated.
He should be getting some loud cheers when he comes back.
Seriously, that was about THE most bs call I’ve seen for Har’en. Should’ve punched him Artest style for that one.
:Koberubeyes: So this is not going as planned. No BI for probably two weeks, missed free throws, bs calls for Har’en, missed rebounds, missed...
Letting Stauskus or whoever the hell his name is get a career night. Truth be told kind of expected this to be a loss. They better damn well win...
I know it’s only the first game but....Hart has proven he needs to start.
Rough game from BI. Only the first game though. He’ll figure it out.
It was a long enough summer without having to wait three days into the season to see our Lakers. :Bangbrick4:
So it turns out Zu’s slow start may have been due to an illness? If that’s the case it would make perfect sense and why he’s looked better in...
B.I. straight balled tonight. Made big shots, and seemed unstoppable at times. Just gotta work in those clutch free throws.
Okay Blake :Kobe Snickering:
Wow that was a trailer! All I can say is it’s a good thing we don’t have to wait long. I think I might not leave the house for a day.
Isn’t he already participating in full contact scrimmages? At the very least I hope he plays in the last two games.