This young man should have a pretty massive chip on his shoulder, which also doesn't hurt.
It would be a great improvement to this site if you posted more :Kobefistbump:. I don't expect anything from Bronny. Maybe he pans out, maybe he...
Of all the podcasters I am regularly listening to, Cranjis has been one of those more sceptical as regards this hire. He's also one of the ones I...
Bleh, but also finally...
That sounds strangely exciting LOL. I times of sports-related despair, we at least have the technological revolution to look forward to :D.
Not gonna defend the FO after this s**t show, but I have to say, Woj really screwed the Lakers with his reporting. I don't like any of the... Done deal?
I was wondering when the two of you would finally find each other.
Luka's got this. Kyrie also seems to be on a mission, and he IS battle tested. Mavs in 6.
Yes because every NBA player makes exactly the amount they're worth. You can't be serious with this argument.
He doesn't score enough, or doesn't have huge scoring games often enough, which seems to be the only metric that matters when evaluating players...
As usually with your posts, couldn't agree more. It's about time this organization seriously shifts its focus back to D.
Nah, defense is overrated. Just look at AD, he's practically worthless if he scores below 25 PTS. On a more serious note - The Lakers need to get...
I may have been very wrong about the Thunder too. Luka being clearly not himself helps, but they still look impressive, more than they...
I really hope it's not Reddick, but to be honest none of the candidates looks super promising.
Yes this lost series is clearly in AD and his lack of leadership. Some people should be prohibited from expressing their oponiins in the public.
I was very, very wrong about the Timberwolves, they look legit. As others have pointed out, Ant looks like young MJ / Kobe out there, just so fun...
The only reason we're still talking about him is the idiotic notion fed to us both by him and the media, of him being mistreated by the Lakers and...
A big fat LOL @Westbrick and an even bigger one @ all his defenders, especially in the media. I listened to some NBA podcast before the series and...
We're not winning with him because we aren't building around him and there is a complete moron occupying the bench, not because he's not good enough.