I really doubt that
I'm not sure I buy the "Hitting people with perfect passes but they miss the shot" rhetoric anymore. We had that excuse with Dlo until the day he...
Now if only that was your thought process before, d******
I can just imagine how easily 2000 and 2010 Lakers would score on today's top teams.
I liked that just to unlike it.
We might need him to be who his dad thinks he can be, which is probably a 6 armed 12' tall basketball God.
And played the next game.
What I've been doing is actually keeping my payments at the minimum, and instead investing any extra money in stocks. Depending on the interest...
Just here to remind some of you guys called Dlo all sorts of names when he sprained his ankle for the first time. Good times.
"Recalibrate his kinetic chain" sounds like a badass sci-fi thing
I'd say BI has better guard skills though. He was a better than average passer last year, I refuse to believe he forgot that in one offseason....
Gotta stock up on cap space for those FA's that will definitely come next offseason.
Geez tough crowd
Just finished Doom 2016. One of the most action packed games I've ever played. Definitely recommend.
At least he didn't take abajillion shots this time.
I'm not sure why you keep saying we'd have to choose. We likely could have both right now.
She probably would have increased military spending, just as Trump has, because they're her funds. That would probably be the worst that would...
You guys completely bought the "crooked Hillary" B.S. Trump was spewing. She's not perfect, and I'm not happy she was getting as many donations...
New Foo fighters album out some time ago. I liked most of the songs on it, and listened to the whole thing a couple times end to end. Rarely do...
Vash is right. Don't disrespect Kobe or his thread by bringing politics into it. There's a place for that.