I remembered when Lebron was still young, everyone, myself included, thought he would fade out as he aged quickly since he relied so much on his...
Im happy for Vogel. Some people will still brush it off as he had a talented team that run itself but thats so far from the truth. He's done a...
He either has super low pain tolerance or is a drama queen. Feels like every other game he lays on the floor like he has some kind of career...
Bron didnt, it was the correct play. However, I can 100% tell you Kobe would have pulled up from the mid range there.
This was changed a while ago. All series are 2 2 1 1 1
I can never tell if AD is ok or not but he was limping throughout the game so hopefully he has enough to get us one win Sunday.
Not sure if I've ever seen a less skilled NBA starting guard.
Green is absolutely crap. Morris, Kuz, with some brain dead plays.
We're wearing our Mamba jerseys for game 5. Its a wrap, folks.
@JohnnyComeLately2k6 You have these pre made in advance huh? Nice
Butler had game of his life. AD didnt show up. We'll wrap it up in 5.
He just does so many little things that dont show up on the stat sheet. Deflections, draws charges, proper rotations, down screens, cuts, etc.
^ Leonard is not amused lol.
Is Bev actually a good defender? He's all histrionics no substance to me. Sure he's persistent I guess, but is he actually effective? I dont...
Im sure he made adjustments but thats Lebron's normal schedule. He goes out at around the 5min mark, comes back in at the end of the 1st, goes...
Damn, a tear? He's done then right? Sucks.
Dwight always wanted to have fun but he also wanted to be the man offensively. He's finally learned he doesnt need to be the man, and its...
This guy is pretty good.