[IMG] You go, Rocking Robin!
I sprained a few ankles and did not know it until after I took my shoes off and cooled down. I take it as a good thing because if it's a major...
Our scouts have some good hits the last few years. I can live with a miss here and there.
Yeah, super interesting list of one player before they want a subscription. [IMG]
It's all good.
No question he is off the deep end, but your post took a shot at all Republicans and implied that if you are a Republican you must be as crazy as...
I don't think LeBron is the best player ever, or even in my top 3, but there is no doubt he is the GOAT of sustained excellence and the best 39...
He's got a higher ceiling than Hayes. I hope it happens, but we would have to trade someone first if we wanted to sign him.
I like Luka the most, but they just had a great playoff run and he's the king of Dallas. I don't see any way it happens. I'd take Ant for sure,...
Never heard of this guy. Can someone explain the appeal? 36% from the field is horribad for a guard.
Canseco did... juiced to the gills. As were Bonds and ARod when they put up 40/40.
Just spit balling here, but it's probably not the best idea to practice your corner three with your foot out of bounds as your starting position.
Several teams picking ahead of us are going to regret passing on this one.
One more Mr. Rambis comment: I remember he was involved in the whole Kawhi free agency saga. He shared he was surprised when Kawhi did not...
You are free to doubt the validity of Mr. Rambis as an "insider". He's not "ours". We are not and were not promoting him as such. He appeared on...