Kobe with an assist on the Luka deal. :Noddingyes:
You can if K4 is hitting threes @45% which he will in a season or two. IMO, he will be worth the wait.
I’m going to like Luka’s Dad just a bit more than Lonzo’s Dad.
I would consider AR moving into the 6th man role. He could win a SotY in that role. Then find a dog to start next to Luka to fill that POA...
I have to disagree. It can be about both. Jeanie strives to follow her Dad's example. The Lakers have always been superstar driven. It has...
Yeah, if AD has a point to prove, I could see them winning it all this year. Kyrie will be reinvigorated by being the focal point on ball. Gafford...
Going to miss Max. Just when he was coming of age...
Most impressive thing about this trade was there was not one single hint of a leak at all.
...for the other team's center.
Most overrated superstar possibly ever.
I'm not paying Vando to score. And I'm not paying Knecht4 to defend. Any D is gravy. I'm just glad he seems to be recovering from the rookie...
Really liking JJ as head coach. Yes, he is in the early learning curve, but he is trending up. He seems to have the respect of the team which is...
Is it this one? [IMG] :Fishwink:
I listened to the last few minutes of the C Bags / Clips game on the radio on my way home tonight. Easily the worst radio team I have ever heard....
Just signed Tanner Scott to close out of the bullpen. Dodgers FO is devastating the league.
[IMG] I am NOT happy with this move. I for sure would drop Traore. I would drop Cam or Wood or JHS or Koloko before dumping Q.