On offense, I would live with Trae's logo threes in order to gain his scoring and playmaking. On D, IF he were to commit to gaining some muscle,...
If I could add one piece this off season it would be Hartenstein, but I don't see any path to getting him.
Revisionist history. Rob has made a few mistakes. Every GM does. But don't blame him for stuff he was not responsible for. Magic made the call to...
I still have PTSD nightmares of PatBev "guarding" forwards. [IMG]
The only thing that really matters on his resume is that he has successfully buddied up to LeBron.
Riles still the posterboy for OldSchoolCool.
We are on that train to the end of the line, cliff or no cliff. Might as well make the man happy and motivated until we hit bottom. The...
Good perspective. The two best coaches in Lakers history are Phil Jackson and Pat Riley. Riles was pulled out of the media booth by the Logo....
I've got him slotted in behind Smush for that honor. JSM might have him behind a certain small forward from an earlier era with the initials...