if team is still playin why continue this treadmill? blow it up and start over
why do we care bout him showing up? hes not gona be part of the team after this yr
go ahead and ping Pelinka pls
2 weeks from being 2 weeks away
well hes the one saying hes been watching/studing the tapes
JJ needs to watch more tape of den/la playoffs, he's clueless as pimple on this matchup
trade him already
apparently he didn't understand it either, den did same in this game as they did in the playoffs
only on Offense
how do can you teade injured players? dont they have to pass physical?
with our training staff, these 2 dudes gona be 2 weeks evaluation come playoff time
just horrendous offensively
gabe was never a good 3pt shooter he just had the typical contract year performance with Mia....if he starts hes going to be used as a floor...
dlo may still underwhelm vs sixers guards of the bench, Mccain might get career highs lol
dslo was half assing everything there
learning to manage sounds like advice for Pelinka.....this is the Lakers he should be held to higher standards...as you stated Hou had to suck to...
should other GM's that do crappy job absolve Rob of his issues?
yea jj wanting to see more of a guy avg 3ppg n shooting 18% from 3s isnt a good sign lol
vando n woods perma injured
another Pelinka special signing