Yahoo says no to the rescinded trade [ATTACH]
Its in his best interest to not sulk n suck....
Giving props, hes been great so far...start of season was bad
Every player is an asset, ad/luka trade prime example...heck even Bron couldve been traded if he didn't have a no trade clause
Why not waive them all? Milton sucks, saw more from goodwin in 1gm than what we saw from milton since hes been here and Cam will be out league...
Will Pacers run to Silver crying bout tampering again?
Suck it Pacers! :LLLLLebronlaughing:
Can we counter report to league of cha scrupiless tactics? Cha has already done so on their end. Theres just no way Rob would risk pissing off...
No need to sulk, cha is a wasteland of a team, perenial treadmill thats to good to get top picks but no good enough to make even playin...
2 weeks?
Hes a rookie, you expect him to be at that lvl?
Mitch tried to Mozgov us again
Welcome Back!
Milton guy not very good
Fair enough
Debatable, cant expect a rook to play def, dk will be a star someday
Why couldn't it have been gabe instead of dk?
Didnt have to give up dk for luka but did for mark williams? Wish it was gabe instead of dk :Jeanie Srsly:
Hes younger than knecht but i will miss dk, thought he'd be another home grown talent ala ar
Dam not dk toooo, sad