This deal should’ve went to Wayne Ellington... sigh
We have 9 mil left...
Any reason Demarcus isn’t signed anywhere?
And instead we got Danny green at 15 per... we ended overspending anyway, might as well would’ve spread it out
Take your pick, there was a lot... Gerald green Terrance Ross Ariza JJ redick Brook Lopez (don’t know if we had a shot) Aminu Julius Randle Taj...
True, but I’ve voiced my displeasure at the start of this whole ridiculous thing for this very reason. We tried this once a few years back, then...
We had a ton of choices at the start of FA
Pretty much my case in point in regards to the pelothra of talent that WAS available... instead we hold out for kawhi... so dumb
Are we overpaying iggy as well?
We missed out on some good talent.
Yay, we just over payed Danny green... I’m just so bitter over this whole thing... I did not want us to go down this route... I would’ve rather...
According to all of the espn magic thumb suckers, Magic was doing all the recruiting and taking phone calls... In the end I’m upset that pelinka...
That would’ve been depth on our bench, and solid players we could’ve locked up for a couple of years with our core We’re they overpayed? Sure......
Saying I told you so just won’t do it for me... we missed out on some quality players for this bs... I didn’t hold my breath... now we’re scraping...
But with all the free agents gone... there was plenty of talent to pick from...
This was my issue with the whole waiting game... it’s a huge gamble, and we have superstars already....
For being a non-dramatic type of person, kawhi is sure stirring up a lot of drama and taking his time.... I’ve already stated my displeasure of...
Again goes back to my original concerns... I like what NY did, they added a bunch of depth, on two year contracts, allowing maximum flexibility....
I’m not anti-kawhi, I just have legitimate concerns for depth. That’s all.
I would go for depth... Toronto wasn’t loaded with superstars, they had depth. Warriors were frontloaded with stars/money and no depth... one got...