Hold on. I'm checking something. *waits a few seconds* Yep. Still don't like him.
Dang. My dreams are never that detailed. Your subconscious is aware of the NBA salary cap.
It's as if Rob was told we want a certain player on the Wizards, so he keeps grabbing them as opposed to asking what the guy's name is. (It rhymes...
Is this a known insult, or did you pick this one out of thin air?
This was pretty much my exact experience, complete with a wife that actually managed to stay awake. I do think they could have made it about 35-45...
Just to be clear, I don't disagree with you. I'm just commenting on what seems to be going on with WB. I think the new DCU will ultimately fail....
Sure...but why not cut costs in both areas? It falls in line with what we know about Zaslav. He is a ruthless, cost-cutting machine who doesn't...
Could not agree more with everything you said. I am not a Snyderverse fan. I really enjoyed his Justice League, but that's about it. But they...
I would definitely trade Bev for Smush simply for the massive amount of lolz that would ensue. Watching Bev meltdown for being traded for Smush...
The one season he actually was able to (somewhat) finish...we won the title any way. Couldn't happen to a more historic franchise.
Unfortunately, the damage has already been done. The story and lore was fundamentally broken under her watch. Even if they did something as...
He's still a prick, and I hate him. So I will say he sucks since it makes me feel better.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible at this point with Lucasfilm. Corporations kill creativity. When giant corporations own these...
So I have to admit, I did not expect to come into this thread (or any thread for that matter...like...ever...in the history of internet message...
Kanye has a better chance of becoming Israeli Prime Minister than this team does of winning a title.
We are playing 4 on 5 on offense whenever Russ is in the game. Period.
We are only one game back from the best record in basketball!
So Westbrook is now Kathrine Heigl?
What is red and bad for your teeth? A brick. _____________________________________ What weighs more 10 pounds of bricks or 10 pounds of...