They didn't win 18.
I've said it before. We got a ring out of this little Lebron/AD experiment/era. But I think a lot of us will look back at it and wonder, was one...
"who is this even for" It's for Disney+ in order to add content to improve the "value proposition" for itself as a must-have streaming service....
This video brings up an interesting phenomena. It brings up two different people, people trodgers and I sort of hinted at in our discussion. There...
It's hard to really compare the numbers. Episode VII was the hit that it was because of the previous movies and the promise of the return of our...
Well, I think in these stories canon is somewhat important in order to maintain audiences. The average movie goer isn't going to be up to speed on...
That's it though. I think there are a lot of people that enjoy Star Wars for the lasers, the space ships and the action sequences. For me, those...
For people like Weezy and myself, we follow (well, followed for me) the story like it was the history of a different world. When Luke goes out the...
I hate watched episode 3 (I went through the trouble of watching it pirated even though my subscription to Disney Plus is still active from the...
A side note to what Disney did, I don't know if you've seen Top Gun: Maverick, but before the movie even starts, Tom Cruise did a little video...
He is almost the exact same age as Kerr was when he took over at Golden State. Dude is 48. He has almost a decade on Lebron.
Are you saying Vogel was a figure head? Dude was a great coach until Lebron and AD decided to sabotage the roster and jettison all the players...
[Spoiler] As for everyone "loving" the show, don't buy into it. Companies like Disney have MASSIVE armies on social media with bots upvoting or...
I have gotten to the point where I can't support Disney in any way shape or form. Sure, it' almost impossible to completely divorce yourself from...
What percentage of the hate is racist though? I've looked through different tweet threads, message boards, etc. and I haven't found anything...
The thing about Sheridan, he writes what he knows. He grew up in Texas. He acts in the show and does things on horseback that let you know he...
Yeah. I can't tell you how many times I was called misogynist for saying Rey was a bland character and had no development. Disney is dead to me in...
And right on cue, Weezy. [MEDIA] :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Just remember, you also hate Mace Windu, Lando, etc.
So I read that Obi goes after Leia and leaves Luke unprotected (his only job) while there are Inquisitors literally on the Tatooine? Is that what...