400 made threes in a season, and something about 73 wins. Congrats but man, only Kobe can make this so not as important as it should be.
Never thought we'd see 72-10 broken, never. Seemed too hard, 82 games is a long season. Incredible accomplishment. And Curry, amazing player, that 12 threes in a game record is going down one day.
If he breaks any of Kobe's records, I can't find myself liking him lol. Sorry, I know that seems biased but I can't help it.
Steph will never be Kobe. There WILL never be another Kobe. I love Steph, but I don't care how many records he breaks he won't ever be able to dominate like Kobe did. 60 points. 60 f***ing points in the last game of a 20 year old career. Still can't believe it.
Try explaining this to the Curry bandwagon club, they will try to chew your head off. I have to put on full armor to go at them trying to explain how different of a player Kobe was and that he'll never be matched.
Well they're no different than LeBron fans to be quite honest with you. They think because he has superior numbers that makes him better. They don't care about intangibles, toughness, killer instinct, will to win, or supreme skill level where nobody outside of maybe Kareem can top Kobe.
I love Steph. I hope he breaks Kobe's 12 threes record. Steph Curry isn't Kobe, but he doesn't have to be. He can carve his own legacy. Steph will go down as the greatest shooter of all time, but that doesn't mean he's Kobe. As the greatest shooter though, that record is going down and that's okay. Without Kobe around, it's better to embrace these kids for what they bring to the table.
^Exactly, why can't we just enjoy watching both players and appreciate the different skills they bring to this game? Praising Curry's greatness is not a shot at Kobe's greatness.
I never said it was. I have no problem with praising Curry as I have. My problem is with all these Curry fans just like LeBron fans acting like Curry is already better and has accomplished more than Kobe. A lot of these guys never even saw Kobe play or they get so caught up in the moment.
I don't know what fans you're talking about, but they ain't here. I tend not to talk to people with stupid opinions because I don't have the energy to prove how stupid they are. I'm just confident in the knowledge that I have and something I know to be inarguably true is that Kobe Bryant at his best was better than Steph Curry. It's not debatable. Anyone who says differently is wrong and if they try to argue, ignore them. They're wrong. Who cares what they think?
imo, what made kobe great was sustained excellence. we can cherry pick players' best seasons and say they were better than kobe's, but there's something to having 12 of those instead of 4. curry and lebron each have arguably had better years than kobe's best. durant, too. hell, gilbert arenas's peak year looked an awful lot like a kobe prime year. but kobe did it over and over again, leading teams to titles with completely different casts, several years apart. the kobe haters can't really answer much of that, unless they just want to start talking about mj/magic/kareem/bird. but if steph does this for another 5-6 years and racks up another 3 or 4 titles, it will be right to put him next to kobe.
I still don't understand how he's this good. I mean there are lots of players that are dedicated to practice, grew up with a father that played, and who's life is basketball, but who else can consistently shoot like this guy does?
Other than a few fantastic shots, Curry didn't play a good game at all by the standards he has set. Poor shooting overall and WAAAY too many turnovers, especially in that important second half. He'll have to play a LOT better than this to beat OKC.
Disappeared at the end. Draymond and Klay took all the shots when the game was on the line. What's up with that?
OKC scouted very well his tendencies off the PNR . You can see he hasn't retrieved his speed/change of pace yet . Looks at 70-80% of himself imo
This is hilarious, sometimes I love the Internet community. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-b...urry-s-new-shoes-is-relentless-145549601.html
I was shocked at how poorly they were received. I have to admit I don't care about shoes quite that much. I'm just becoming aware of how serious sneaker heads are