I honestly don't know where to put this. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2016...r-this-time-it-involves-an-apocolypse-bunker/
Seems like a low blow to harp on this guy has had major health issues as a professional athlete/diabetic, and seems to have other emotional issues. It's not his fault he was drafted too high by a bad executive, and he certainly doesn't seem concerned about standing up for himself and addressing these lame excuses for articles. This guy should be ashamed of himself for taking pot shots at another human in the name or journalism. Just pathetic. I guess making millions and under-performing on someone's expectations makes it ok to just rip a guy mercililessly. FU Byron, you lame a** narcissistic under performing rich r***** with no people skills n s***
According to scientists, the states of Washington, Oregon, and Northern California are possible ground zero's for tsunami's. They often have tsunami drills up there. I'm not exactly sure where Adam lives, but if I had millions of dollars to spend and lived near the coast, I'd do the same thing.
If you don't have at least a food and water supply with your severe weather kit and live in Florida, you're under prepared.
You could add LeBron, Paul George, Kevin Love, Blake Griffin, Derrick Rose AND Kyrie Irving to that list and change "more" to "same amount"