Apparently rockets called Toronto to ask about Jonas V for Dwight, Raptors said no thanks. I love just how much the value of "superman" has fallen.
it's about the $. his max is just so enormous that it complicates things. valanciunas may make half of what howard makes next year. morey didn't want to deal with the monstrous cap hold in addition to the uncertainty about him staying. i get why houston looked into moving him, and i get why they ended up keeping him, too.
Dwight parts ways with agent Fagen You vs. the world Dwight. Definition of delusional malcontent.
I wonder if Fagen has started to try to get him to lower his expectations in free agency and he wasn't having it because he's a champion in his own mind. Or maybe he wanted to be traded and he felt Fagen didn't threaten Houston enough to get him out.
yeah, odd timing right after the deadline. there are lots of viable theories, including those presented above. another possibility is that fegan was leaking some of the info that Houston has been denying, and howard fired him as a result.
Great decision by Dwight to volt LA, I can't believe I wanted him to stay... Now his career's end is nearing, I'm glad we lost him and Morey's weeping...
Dwight left the Lakers, where do we begin Now he's lost in the land of the e-wins The clown is down and the rocket won't fire The beard on D is like a car with flat tires
Maybe both. I had read somewhere that Fagen wanted to keep Dwight in Houston when he was complaining (soon after he got there). And what was predicted by many several years ago, that if Dwight didn't get skills he wouldn't have a long career is happening and it isn't settling in yet. Hitting 30 with back and knee issues, the refusal to become a fundamental type center early on, I mean, this guy has had Kareem and Dream thrown at him but all he cares about is how his guns look in compression sleeves. If I'm Fagen, I'm letting out a huge sigh of relief and saying good riddance.
Still solid numbers for a big Though noticeably declining Whoever decides to pay him Get ready for the whining
oh, I think that writing is on the wall. his max is quite large. he'll get more than 20 per, though, and he'll have several suitors at that price. I do think that the story about the break with fegan will be quite interesting whenever it surfaces.
Next year is his option which he will of course take. He'll be 31 when he's a FA, he'd need a miracle performance next season to get near max summer '16. His #s are still good but the equation is simple: 31 + injury history + no fundamental skills + malcontent everywhere he's been = no where near max from any GM I know of. Where's Isiah Thomas when you need him.
he's not taking that option...unless he gets hurt. word today is that he wanted to go to Milwaukee, but he refused to pick up his option as part of the deal, so it didn't happen. this is his last shot at a big payday, and I think he'll get it. it just won't be at his max.
Silly that Shaq still talks about this stuff, but yeah it's true. Dwight commandeered that nickname for a few years until his back injury. Now he's an albatross and whoever signs him next will regret it.