I've heard Hairston was a malcontent and that Charlotte is happy to be rid of him. Four picks is pretty great though.
I think dallas had hairston in its d-league affiliate with an eye towards developing him for the big roster, but gradually bailed. I think there were whispers of him being a bit of a headcase. and he's really not that talented. Roberts somehow keeps finding work. he's a third string pg whom coaches seem to love. I think lee's the big get, but isn't he just the grown up version of lamb? I wonder if this bodes poorly for him.
Somewhere along the line I think Lamb fell out. It could be because of his injury, which would suck if true. Lee brings them a solid veteran presence. I think Hairston is pretty talented. Enough to be an NBA player anyway, but now that's two teams that have bailed on him. I think it's buyer beware on him going forward for sure.
eh, below average athlete, doesn't seem super sharp, either. streak shooter. I don't know. not much to like, imo.
Doesn't seem super sharp is the key though, not his physical profile. Seems like a kid who doesn't have it going upstairs. I don't see him as all that different from other physical profiles, but if his head can't catch up then he's not going to amount to anything at all.
yeah, it is interesting. though I'm not sure the theory has ever really been tested. the only time his team had a bunch of cap space was a couple years ago when they failed to nab bosh. imo, you can pin that on harden (or Miami's extra 25 million?) as much as howard. I would think the on-court fit with harden would be tougher for most players to swallow (stand in corner, wait to catch and shoot, get no credit for wins and all blame for losses, where do I sign up?!). off the court, howard does seem like a moron, though.
he's all about having fun most of these young, prima dona kids coming into the league probably look up to dwight for that