I wouldn't be surprised if they went more for longer honestly. Luke is going to be a VERY hot commodity this summer. We might have to pay a lot if we really want him.
6 year, $30 million. Spoiler: joke explanation Because that was the deal he got as a player that we all hated
I wouldn't be shocked. Make the 6th year a team option and I think that could end up being close to what happens.
LOL. First game without Blatt. Cavs only managed to score 14 points in the first quarter against the Bulls. Love: 1/3 LeBron: 1/7 JR: 1/5 Entire bench: 0/6 Edit: 7+ minutes without scoring. LOL.
Rose has a horrid shooting night and yet the Bulls are up by 14. Lue better be afraid of getting fired tomorrow if the Bulls continue to hammer them on their home floor.
Yeah the coach was clearly the Cavs biggest problem. Usually teams come out the game after a "bad" coach is fired, and play inspired basketball, with a new fire. I watched that game, I saw none of that.
wasn't the word that LeBron wanted mark Jackson and that lue was some sort of compromise? anyway...yeah, don't see how a guy who's never coached is going to provide something that a guy who had a long, successful career in coaching couldn't.
Woj reports it as: LeBron never wanted Blatt. He wanted him gone all along. For about a year and a half LeBron and his crew were the ones floating rumors that the Cavs were going to bring in Mark Jackson. Gilbert didn't want Mark Jackson (in fact Woj made it sound like Mark will have a lot of trouble getting hired after the way he treated Warriors' management) and Gilbert put his foot down on the hiring. You see, Mark Jackson had recently joined LeBron's representation team. So, once LeBron realized he couldn't get his boy in, he went for Lue who he "respected" and who he and his team probably felt they had better control over honestly. Blatt was pushed out for no other real reason than LeBron didn't want him there. Blatt isn't blameless of course, but he did a good job and was absolutely undermined by LeBron's control over the players, front office, and management.
Lebron needs strong people around him that will stand up to him. He is one of those type of personalities that absolutely needs that structure. If you give him what he wants and everyone cowtows to him forget about it. You will have chaos. Cleveland really screwed this one up in my opinion.
The problem is he ran AWAY from that in Miami. Cleveland is stuck in a catch-22 with LeBron. If they try to get tough, they risk him running away again. If they let him get what he wants, they lose the power to build a team as they see fit. Sucks, but I kind of love that they'll be sub-Championship level while LeBron aka ESPN's favorite son slowly fades away.
Bron isn't the first and he won't be the last. Magic had Westphal fired after winning a championship. They all deny doing it, but where there's smoke there's fire. Players need to play. Coaches need to coach. General managers need to manage. Problem is, players are making WAY more than the coaches and their are a lot more of them. Easier to fire a cosch then it is to trade an entire team.
Magic ran only one coach out and won 4 rings afterwards. LeBron is on his second? Attempted a third with Spolestra, right? And he has never been successful afterwards. The results must speak to the move and while I like Lue I don't think he'll be a significant upgrade over Blatt.
Lebron ran off more than Blatt.. Silas, Brown and Blatt. And you're right, he tried to boot Spo. I'm not trying to defend him. He has too much power for a spoiled and entitled petulant child.
I hear you. Someone already approached me with the Magic comparison and my point was that Magic did it and it lead to insane success. LeBron has done it to what kind of results? The only time LeBron got real results was with strong leadership and now he's run from that too. Not to mention LeBron's fading talent which is the REAL issue here.
Blatt coached to his team's make-up and tried not to hinder them as individuals. He wasn't too enamored of Love's lack of defense. Westhead? That guy tried to do the opposite...shunting the Showtime fastbreak and wanted Abdul-Jabbar as the be-all, end-all of the offense. No one was happy and Johnson was the one who spoke up about it. Westhead wanted to succeed on his own philosophies and it backfired. Ironic enough, he went back to the fast paced game at Loyola Marymount which gave him success. On the subject of James...he is the NBA's current icon [though Curry isn't too far behind] so he has the clout to force his will. Of course, the Cleveland management denied consulting with him on the move.
Duncan is not playing today. Lol. And the Warriors are destroying the Spurs so far - 62 to 47 after one half.
Honestly I think this is a bit of a pop mind trick. Giving them a big lead in the first game will ensure they're overconfident every other time they face this year.
yeah, I don't think so. the mind trick was sitting Duncan in the hopes that it would be close, thus planting a seed of doubt. that's classic pop. this was just gs stomping out those hopes and saying: you better bring everyone if you expect to compete on our home court.
I don't mind if the NBA just hand these Warriors the trophy already. Steph is just absolutely ridiculous. Video game cheat mode incarnate... then you have Draymond as a triple-double threat nightly? Win 30 against the #1 defense in the NBA. Good game everyone... see ya next season! As for Anthony Davis... please tell me I'm not the only one that finally sees how fragile this guy is.