Lakers traded for Lin for 2 things...cap hold and a first round pick. I don't think they believe he will solve any real issues for this team. They had no plans to compete this year.
No one should, but if one person does then EVERYONE should. Lin gets his butt kicked every game so far and doesn't get nearly enough respect. Just really hard to watch for his confidence. He takes a few hits and then he stays out of the paint. Someone has to step up and defend him.
Hope he can have value at the deadline so we can ship him out and add even more out of the original trade.
Exactly. When he got fouled by DeAndre Jordan during the Clippers game in the 4th quarter, I thought Scott should have went on a tirade and got a technical; not even just singling out Scott, but somebody should have made some noise about that missed call...
This. And I know this is the new era of basketball, but I still think every team needs an enforcer. When our guy ends up on his ***, especially if no foul is called, someone on their team better end up on his ***. When Crawford drove the lane a couple times in that game he should have ended up with a bruise on his butt courtesy of Hill or Boozer or Davis or somebody.
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters ยท 59m 59 minutes ago Jeremy Lin: "Ya it's been more frustrating than I expected & I haven't done what I needed to do & I take full responsibility for that." A video after practice from Lin; also, a little video from Kelly and his progress so far...
He's going to have to show us and the FO a lot more in order to get a contract here. I am rooting for him all the way as I really like his demeanor and I like his skill set. He's smart, he's crafty and he gets to the hole, kicks out, and he can hit the occasional three or jumper. It's all there. But he's going to have to turn it up a bunch more notches because he just hasn't been aggressive enough overall. He needs to assert himself or it's all for naught. His D still leaves a little bit to be desired but he can improve that if we can get the team D better.
I find it refreshing that he's taking the responsibility here. He absolutely has the ability, and when he becomes passive, he allows the brutes to win. I'm not saying he needs to be fearless and throw his body around like Wade, but every few trips down, he should hit the accelerator and probe the defense. Not every trip, but don't put some of your skills in a box and marvel at them - use them all.
I would just like to see him attack the rim all game one of these days. He has the ability to get in the paint at will. I want to see him just go the basket. Show some grittiness. He might have some bumps and bruises afterwards, but it'd set a tone with the referees that he deserves the calls he doesn't get. Heck I'd settle though for just watching him play confidently. Watch a couple highlights from Linsanity and then watch what he looked like against Golden State on Saturday. He didn't look remotely like the same guy. I just want to see him get pumped up and get excited and rock and roll a bit.
disappointed by him thus far. on multiple possessions every game, he looks completely lost and scared
I thought he played well for the most part. I'm not sure why Byron kept him out for so long. Coaches usually bring back the starters (or "finishers") around the 8 minute mark so that they can get warmed up before the crucial minutes. Byron brought him back with only 5 minutes left in the game.