Barnes on the bench thinking I want to play in crunch time... Mitch waiting and formulating his poison pill contract offer. Don't like the goatee on Steph, he looks like that douche on ESPN who stalks Woj on Twitter for breaking news...
I never understood why NBA fans don't foul up 3 ...I mean SAS lost a title because of it ... Stupidity at its finest . Green wasn't facing the basket on his pass to Iggy , perfect opportunity to foul him ... hell I would have fouled Iggy too ... no way he would have made the 3 FT's That being said Lopez with the Kwame shooting touch ...
Sounds like the Warriors finally got bored. That's why I don't see them winning 70 especially in the Western Conference.
Again, I'm glad for Knicks fans, they needed a win in the draft. I hope he stays healthy with that long, skinny frame of his. And let's be real, had the Lakers taken him at 2, the city would have rioted. Everyone here would have immediately called for Jim's head, and some fans heads would have exploded. If we took some unknown skinny tall foreign dude at 2 over Okafor, LA fans would have gone more insane than NY fans did.
Sure there would have been an initial "who the f*** is Porzingis?" But after we saw him play and play well, that would all go away. Who am I kidding...with Byron as his coach Porzingis would look like a giant doofus that doesn't know how to play basketball.
True but if we were at the 5th pick I'd have no problem making that pick. No. 2, with Okafor around, no way!
It is just a matter time when DAR can have some exceptional games. When we're out of play off contention 20 games in.
I'm not down on Russell. At least half of Russell not producing like these other guys is Byron, it's his opportunity compared to theirs. The other half is on him for sure, not being aggressive, not having a real NBA ready body, but that will come in time. I'm still pretty high on Russell, I wouldn't rather have Porzingis because he's putting up numbers now. Where would he even be playing, the 3? The 4? Center? Where would that leave Randle? Like you said Byron would have him looking bad and in some crazy lineup mess. Same with Okafor, he has his good nights, his average nights, and his awful nights. His rebounding especially is poor to be, that tall and big, hands that large, he should be getting more than he is.
I thought this Raptors-GSW game was gonna be a blowout. Turned out to be pretty good down the stretch. 2nd game in a row Raptors gave away a game in the 4th with poor fouls and execution. Granted, they haven't been having the best of luck with the refs in the 4th (see: Melo out of bounds no call against the Knicks), but their offense down the stretch just SUCKS. Iso ball with either Lowry or Derozan... just like last year.
The crazy thing is, Warriors aren't at their best right now. Sure Curry is playing out of his mind but both Bogut and Klay have been dealing with injuries all season. If those two get healthy and going again, they might not lose for awhile. Though Thursday against the Clippers is going to be a tough one.
suck for a decade, then be lucky enough to be the only team ever to get market value for a disgruntled allstar? lakers are almost halfway there!
Seriously. Stink long enough to somehow get two #1 overall picks that turn into good players. Okay got it.
man, Portland almost ended Houston's season tonight. but they choked. and brewer hit a crazy lucky shot to force OT. also, harden with 45 points on 11-29 FG. nba action: it's fantastic.
yeah I saw that finish. Crazy lucky shot from Brewer. They were trying to foul Harden to put him on the line.