Harden is a beast. I don't like him, I don't like his flopping and baiting the refs into giving him the calls, but he's effective and definitely a top 4 player last year. Personally, I think Curry was MVP and if he wasn't the choice, Westbrook should've got it. Unibrow deserves some votes too. Dude is a beast, but his market isn't helping him.
It's strange because Westbrook plays in OKC. Does Durant's left over stardom help make Westbrook more noticeable?
It should, but not making the playoffs hurt him a lot (IMO). Durant only played in 27 games. OKC missed the playoffs by 1 game (same record as NO). If they were in the East, they would've been a 6 seed. Westbrook is similar to Harden, IMO, as they both have a lot of flaws. But both are also explosive and carry teams. Not gonna lie, I'd take both of them on the Lakers in a heartbeat.
I'm not Harden fan, but yeah I would be ok with a guy who puts up 27 points, 7 assists, 5.7 rebounds, and almost 2 steals.
There's some outside rumblings that Harden has his eye on the Lakers when his contract expires in three years (he's got a team option for the 3rd one). He's an LA kid and in three years he'd be entering his prime. I'm not sure how he'd fit, but I'd take him absolutely. We can't exactly be choosy here. It'd be amazing and about 0.000000000000000000001%, but there's an outside shot we could grab all of the Thunder players in the next three years. Durant/Ibaka-2016 Westbrook-2017 Harden-2018 That'd be hilarious and awesome.
Harden to the Lakers would be specially hilarious. I mean, a part of me would have a hard time rooting for him (I don't hate the guy, but I do dislike his game quite a lot), but it would be quite hilarious if James Harden actually leaves Dwight Howard for the Lakers.
Players association "Bro" awards. Can't say I agree with most of winners. Then again a lot of these guys celebrate a 3 ball down 25 with 2 minutes left or pump their chest after a dunk while their man runs free the other way.