Kevin Durant actually is who LeBron haters claim him to be, insecure, front running ring chaser. I used to love him coming out of college and in his pre-Warriors days, can’t stand him since.
Re: all the dissin' on KD here: there have been a few things about his actions/personality over the years that has tarnished my idea of him, which was, once upon a time, this: Out of college, a mad scientist's lab experiment for how to make an unstoppable scorer in the NBA: KD. He was crazy great at scoring from the jump. He still is. We all know of and think of certain careers as having a narrative about them: Kobe, Wilt, MJ, Bird, Dr. J, Shaq, Jokic, etc: and we tend to, I think, dwell on the "smart" moves they made, and maybe one or two bad moves. (MJ quitting to play for the White Sox minor league team, for example. Most of these guys made nothing but good moves with their careers.) Allen Iverson? Can't help but think Ja has Iverson's thing. And it won't turn out as well as he thinks. But that's another story. There are lots of fascinatingly BAD decisions guys have made, and I think we should talk about those as much as about the good decisions made by great players. Why? Well, 'cuz it's more interesting, for one. KD is first ballot HoF for bad decisions made by a great player. He wins 2 with GSW, no reason to dart, but he does. Nets: not a good move. PHO: not good. Where to flounder next? We love Kobe for many reasons, but one is that he was so loyal to us. Can you imagine leaving after 2002's three-peat because he needed to show he could make, like, the Hawks an NBA champion? So: KD spends NINE seasons with SEA/OKC and it doesn't work out. So: GSW: 2 rings. Why leave? You need more money? Guess so. I'm biased: as a fan: I wanna win. Being paid anything close to a salary commensurate with my skills and abilities as compared to my fellow professionals: very cool. Once I'm making NBA superstar bank, I don't care much anymore: I just wanna win and be great on a great team.
I like Durant's game but he is mercurial personality wise. He did give so much in the win over The Toileteers. His shot is still butter.
KD is an all time scorer but the intangibles aren't there . Imo the most overrated great player of these latest 25 years ( Duncan is no 2)
same reason he went there: he's living for what others think, not for what he thinks. there's some famous quote about this that's eluding me right now, but kd is the nba posterchild for not living for yourself. in fairness, i read an interview with him recently where i felt like he finally started getting it. then again, he's said a lot of the right things over time, just hasn't often done them. his play on the court has always been pretty impeccable, though, imo. he's absolutely terrifying in late game situations.
I just straight up feel bad for them, like seeing someone else in a very bad situation that you can be in losing job, closing your buisness, losing a limb. Just damn, After the Russ blunder I got disinterested in laker ball. Couldnt take any more games, now I feel like a POS complaining about Russ. I'd stop watchin basketball completely if I was a Mavs fan. Current fans probably wont see another star like luka as Mav in their life time, Luka was a needle in a haystack and they threw it back in there. Dirk wasn't even as big and talented of a star like Luka. I just cant believe it, but this at his age is a career ending injury. Not that it would help if he was younger, nobody comes back the same. Nico/ownership, is basically responsible. If luka was still on the team there is no way a fresh off back injury kyrie would be playin those minutes and for the whole defense to collapse on him like that for the injury to happen ( i mean 2nd part is a stretch but most likely thatplay and injury never happens with luka on the floor) Nico def the dummy that said the order, no experienced or competent GM would ever do this. I'd assume they'd quite before they crap all over their career.
Wow what a sober assessment of everything about the Dallas fans’ situation now. And true. Nico really effed the organization … rather than working on a way or even getting Marc involved again to reach Luka with what the organizations reasonable concerns were. Dumb a**!!!!
Gotta feel for Dallas. Hit, after hit, after hit... Klay being stuck there makes me a little happy though. f*** him.