AD and giannis are the only guys on the list that teams actively scheme against getting those shots. maybe sabonis, too. most others are opportunists in the paint (and good ones!).
I’m glad Dalton is scoring like 20 every game, but it can’t be with AD scoring 15, wtf man? 9 shots, 1 in the 4th, what are we doing? This guy was averaging 30 ppg, he was on an MVP campaign before the Denver game.
he's stopped looking for them for the most part, too. best i can come up with is that his foot is bothering him? he played an outstanding defensive game against okc, but we basically barely looked for him on offense. he made some nice passes as part of designed plays, but we didn't design much that seemed intended to get him in scoring position. that was weird. i didn't complain a lot during the game because we were in it the whole way, but this isn't the formula.
AD has always struck me as a good guy, and i actually think it's been part of his problem with fans and media, ironically.
trade him at the deadline AD is the guy you trade for when you already have a star. he's not the guy you build a team around
2 back to back bad performances. Like a yikes Hopefully, he gets it together. We have no shot unless he does...
he's been terrible, but i think it's coincidence. in that piece about him the other day, it was very telling that he mentioned the things his kids ask him about--his eye and his foot (as opposed to losing streaks, etc.). this tells me his foot's been bad enough that his small children are noticing it at home (again, the same small children that have no idea how the games are going).