^^ I don't envy Fish in his position right now. It's a tough one. Glad for him landing the gig though. He's going to have a tough re-do with that squad.
Seriously... Rookie coach in New York with Phil looming behind you and a HORRIBLE roster? This could very, very easily be a train wreck. I wouldn't be surprised to see Fish on our side again pretty soon.
I have no idea how this is going to turn out but I'll keep an eye on them, as will the media, throughout the season.
I called it in the summer, it may get really ugly to the point where if they are losing a lot and the press is on him and on the Triangle his kids could even start hearing about it in school. That's how screwed up we've become. Just look at ESPN.
I wish the best for Dfish. He has a roster that means any success will happen after rough patches and intense media scrutiny. The little I have seen of Knicks games preseason show me it will be a herculean effort to turn the corner. If he was in the West, he would have no chance. Let's keep an eye out for him as it would be heartwarming to see him back in the Lakers in some office/assistant coaching capacity someday.