^ "Unlikely" is actually "doubtful". "Questionable" is 50%. Then you have "probable" which is 75% chance to play.
What about "Considering it" or "Playing Possum" Those should be in there somewhere. Maybe "Praying for Miracle" also.
"swelling is down" is not AT ALL encouraging. doesn't matter; given how little floor time he's had, i wouldn't play him over gabriel or even thompson at this point.
I think he’s talking about the swelling from the PRP injection not the actual injury. At least that’s how I read it. I agree he’s been out too long and has no chemistry with the team at this point to just throw him to the wolves during the playoffs.
Man …. Rob scored not once , not twice, but three times with backup centers we pretty much ALL were happy he was able to pull off …. and what do we have to show for those three gets?