Can’t wait till him and Bron build some more chemistry ... in the sense that Lebron learns just not to even try passing the ball to Drummond in any semblance of traffic. Even in positions where it would otherwise seem to be a good play to get the ball to a competent 7 footer in that spot, with Drummond... just don’t, unless he’s completely uncontested. With that said, his fumbling and easy misses are frustrating, but they don’t entirely represent his level of production. He’s strung together 3 solid double doubles in a row, that’s really all we should be asking of him. And no, it’s not just empty stats. Those boards are legitimately securing defensive possessions and gaining additional offensive possessions. He’s drawing fouls and scoring enough. Defensively he’s been solid, disrupting passing lanes and a competent rim protector.
I agree 100%. They are definitely not empty stats. He gives you extra possessions on the offensive end and denies them for the opposing team on defense with his rebounding and as a block threat. In close games, his production can easily translate into a 4-5 point win which would not have been possible otherwise. We simply don't need him to get many shots, that's all. But today's production of 11 points, 15 (!) rebounds, 2 blocks and only 1 fumble resulting in a turnover is very good, considering he took 9 shots, compared to AD's 18 and Bron's 22. I mean, Dennis also had 9 shots and had 14/1/4 (mostly due to shooting 6 FTs, because he shot poorly from the field) so it's not like we're wasting possessions with Drummond at all. I think if we stay healthy and anyone else brings consistent double-digit scoring in the playoffs - THT, Kuz, Pope, Trez... anyone at all, we're not losing 4 times to anyone. So in that sense, Drum is delivering for us and I hope he's more aware of we really need from him right now.
The guy sat out for two months in Cleveland, and then came to a new team. He immediately hurt his toe in the first game. I imagine it takes a little time to get adjusted, I don't get why the Drummond hate was so strong. I mean, folks have been extremely patient with Gasol.
Credit where it’s due, he will likely still prove useful. He just shouldn’t be closing any big games, it should probably remain some combo of AC, KCP, Schröder, Kuz, LeBron, AD.
Yeah we run down a guy who’s had multiple double/doubles in his short stint of becoming a Laker. His critics will say his double/doubles are empty stats. The same critics will praise Marc for his 5/4/2 stat line.
The hate, if that's what you would call it, is not for Drum himself, rather for the way Frank decided to just toss Marc aside. Why wouldn't you roll out Marc with Trez, Kuz, AC and THT is beyond me.
Would be curious to see where his team ranks in defensive rebounding rate when he's on the floor/off the floor and compare it with the others starting centers in the league ...
yeah, we basically wagered chemistry for a non-star when we really just needed a marginal backup c at best (and only as injury insurance). that's the complaint.
Gasol wasn't working out as expected though. He is new to the team too, so I don't think chemistry was a main concern. Anthony Davis doesn't want to play the 5, it seems that a lot of analysts and fans can't let that go. He does great as a stretch 5, but following this guy since he was in New Orleans, he's made this known since his rookie season. He is a great player, I think he's the best power forward in the NBA. I don't see the problem with catering to his wishes, we don't have to play the exact same way as we did last season. We don't need Drummond to be a star, we need him to fill a role, he looks to be doing that pretty fine to me. The idea that Davis is our best center and more importantly, he wants to be in that role, is off based IMO. AD is a killer facing the basket, he is very good against a lot of teams on the low block. His face up game is superior to his post up IMO.He seems to prefer Drummond in the paint with him, if he didn't, Gasol would play more.
Davis played 60% of his minutes at the 5 in the last postseason and will again soon when games are decided ..
Maybe, it depends on who we play. We played teams with small ball centers last season. Houston, Miami didn't have anyone at center even his size. Denver was a problem with Jokic on offense, so Howard played more. Portland's bigs were similar in size to AD. It's not just playing at the position, it's more about who he has to play against.
I have no problem with Drummond or Gasol or Trez. Having a full complement of decent/good centers is a nice problem to have. All three have unique strengths so Vogel will have choices depending on matchups in the playoffs. Marc is fine now with doing what’s best for the team so I think there’s nothing to be concerned about going forward. The staff is smart enough to figure out what works on the court.
Aside from his string of solid games, what impressed me in the Indy game... there was a play where he caught the ball in the post and on the court with Bron, AD, & DS and he was triple teamed. Bad hands, missed gimmies and all, he commands that level of attention and respect from the opposition. Marc and Trezz simply can't get that. I think all three will have their moment this post season and will be vital to our success. But the fact that we picked up someone who can get triple teamed at the deadline for free is significant. I don't even think there was a big we could've gotten at the trade deadline who gets that level of attention.
If that's how it goes..Gasol wouldn't have made it out the first quarter in most of the games he played.
Going to get lost on GSW off ball actions ... Will be one of the main reasons we are going to lose this game
Based off the last two times we played them, we are going to blow the doors off of Golden State. They can't guard us and haven't cracked a 100 points to boot.