Don't know enough about him to know whether that's a good move. I know he's a well regarded assistant, they considered him before going with MDA, and I really liked his dad. That's all I've got. That leaves OKC as the last team without a coach? Or am I forgetting someone else.
in fairness, i've always felt like morey's threes obsession was a way to moneyball the margins--he wasn't a true believer like dantoni. they just had the right roster to get on the same page there (and i don't think morey wanted to go fully small, either). the irony with morey was that his big genius idea has always been: get stars. like...duh. literally everyone knew that. so glad you've been canonized for it. his supposed value is that he'll get more out of the non-simmons/embiid players than one would expect by spotting value. and i think his skill there is overrated, too, tbh. whatever. annoyed the media totally bought his "stepping away to reassess" story instead of calling it exactly what it was: a rat jumping from a sinking ship of his own creation. if it doesn't work in philly, he'll skate again, too. his best skill is playing the media. should have gone to ballmer. carlisle assistants have fared well, but i don't wish harden on any inexperienced coach. how do you get buy in with that dude playing me-first every second of every day? it wears on everyone eventually.
i think literally everyone saw that. but the press fawns so hard on morey they let him skate with the bs rationale, then basically ignored that he signed a new contract in less than two weeks. face it, morey acolytes: he failed in houston and parachuted out so he didn't have to deal with the fallout.
On some days it might be Kyrie as coach of Nets, others maybe Steve or could be Kevin, hell might even be Mike sometimes ....
figured dantoni would only go to a major city, but i'm surprised it's as an assistant. i guess he and nash have a good relationship, though. no pressure on him, and he's probably making big bucks for an assistant.
Mike: "You should do it this way" Nash: "I agree" Durant and Kyrie: "WTF you talkin' bout? Neither of you ever won a ring! We'll do it this way."
LOL @ Boston having 3 first round picks in a weak draft. They need to consolidate those picks and trade them for future picks or cash...or draft international players and stash them. Eitehr way I'm glad that Grizzlies pick ended up being 14th and the Kings pick was ALSO 14th LMFAOOOOO those were supposed to be top 3 picks both years
put the AD trade up next to that. and then for fun, put our morris signing vs. their morris trade. and then a photo of the trophy. but they got tyronn lue, so the excellent management continues.