Another baffling game by him. Horrible defense. Good defense. Sloppy basketball, lost balls, missed shots, HUGE SHOTS. What's wrong with this guy?
Don't give him credit. I forgot the game was on, and tuned in... Couple minutes before he hit those 3s. You're welcome.
He’s the embodiment of what my ex’s mood swings were like throughout the day I’ve said too much, but this is headed for a messy divorce if he doesn’t get medication
Hit some BIG shots for us and had some nice defense too - of course he had some frustrating plays too but overall, he was a net positive out there. Keep it up KCP - just hit your open shots and play good D and we're good
Don’t trust him. This game was an aberration. Ship him out and open up a roster spot, whatever it takes.
Such a mixed bag of bipolar chocolates last night. Two steps forward, three back. Props to a couple big shots late and a couple nice defensive plays. Shame for your misses, airballs, TOs, and for not donating your salary to anything.
after his 3pt brick and immediately took the the shot from inbound I was like WTF, he made it but dam this guy is so aloof sometimes
Gets out of his own head? Fool you are a 3&D guy that has been overpaid most of your career. Not much is even expected of you, but to make a few 3’s, reliably, each game and play some damn defense. You’ve been in the league long enough to know how to play. No f***ing excuses, you don’t need to be in your head, no one asked you to orchestrate the offense. Damn.